Fall in love, stay in love, BE in love! 😍

Don’t let excuses get in the way. YOU deserve to enjoy being in love EVERY DAY! 💖Clear the blocks and sabotages and create a life of love with you and your partner.


Silence➡ Opening up to each other

Blaming ➡Taking responsibility

Being Busy➡ Creating time

Drama➡ Creativity

Complaining➡ Encouraging

Chaos ➡ Stillness/peace

Insecurity ➡Trust

Weakness ➡ Confidence

The Women’s Wisdom® system can accurately identify what is triggering the ‘less’ and what action to take that will create the ‘more’! If you love the idea of love and togetherness, then it’s up to you to begin creating that. 💟

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Everything you are saying about your partner is what you are really saying about YOU. It’s confronting, but true. 🙏🌹

The only thing in the way of you and your partner being deeply and intimately in love, or even having a partner to be deeply in love ❤ with you is YOUR: conscious and sub-conscious beliefs, negative thoughts, unresolved emotional stresses, ancestral knots and old patterns and programs you are stuck in and grew up with.

The Women’s Wisdom® Tools and techniques will support you to clear these right to a cellular and energetic level. 💫You will learn to be able to use your body to accurately access and identify the negative beliefs, blocks and sabotages that have been in your way. Once you do this, you can then choose new thought patterns from a clean slate. 💨These new thought patterns then become your beliefs with your life beginning to reflect this. 🌈

For more information on the Women’s Wisdom® workshop on May, the 22nd and 23rd of May, please email me on: reck.kirsten@gmail.com 🙏🙌

Sending you all so much love,
