Do you find that your thoughts can be crazy, critical, negative and limiting some of the time, or even most of the time? 💥

It is so freeing to know THEY ARE NOT YOU! Once you begin to take responsibility and open up to them, pull them apart and understand them, you will be free from them once and for all. 🌹

Over the school holidays, I leaned into going away for 3 nights with my family. When Lyell and I had initially had the conversation about a holiday, my wisdom and heart desired to stay home and maintain my rhythms, however I found myself not saying anything. 🤐 I had stories that I was very boring desiring to stay home and that my son would think I wasn’t much fun! ⚡

Interestingly, whilst on holidays there were many challenges including me getting these huge knots in my hair after swimming in the salt water pool, 🌊😲, which culminated in a 3 hour visit to the hairdresser, as they attempted to unknot my hair and cut out the big chunks! 💥So best not to look too carefully when you see me next! 😅😂

I so wanted to blame Lyell for what felt like a hard and challenging holiday at times, rather than own that I wasn’t authentic with my stories/choice at the time! It was also an opportunity to see that the hard/challenge was a result of not freely and easily expressing my heart’s desire and opening up with my stories before booking the holiday. 💖 These things can feel sticky to untangle (quite literally in the case of my hair!), but offer so much clarity and self awareness. ☮ There’s always next time. 🌈💜

It takes a lot of strength 💪 in one’s inner being to hold space for the path of your heart, even if it means making a choice that could be different to others. ❤

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Where do you desire to hold more space for the path of your heart in your home? 🌈 What are some of your stories and what do you think is behind them?

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,
