Happy Sunday! How has your week been?

Something that has made a difference in our family is creating happy home rhythms. I feel we are conditioned in our family life to push through, work ourselves into the ground, fight for what we want or make do with the 'daily grind'!

However, let's create rhythms that contribute to balance, ease, peace and vitality in our homes! We signed up to have fun on the planet and enjoy our life so let's do it now!! 💨💫💛🎆🎉✨

Here are a few examples of rhythms we have in our home:

• My husband goes to the beach 3 mornings a week, where he enjoys a spiritual practice of Qi Gong, meditation, affirmations and time to contemplate.

• A rhythm that we have with our son (4yrs) which is inspired by the Steiner School philosophy is where you have the 'in breath' (connection time) and 'out breath' (independent free play time). So we follow a rhythm of in breath, out breath, in breath and out breath throughout the day.

• I love my yoga practice 4 times a week and go to the beach at least 3 times a week to relax and swim!

Choose one of the rhythms (or come up with your own) below to add or change in your daily life, with the purpose of creating more joy in your week.

• Food / cooking

• Exercise

• Relaxation

• Nature

• Reading

• Making love

• Work

• Children's routines

• Friend time

Beach image.jpg

Remember, that if you can internally create a rhythm that flows and contributes to ease in your home, then your external world will reflect that. Everything can easily find you - money, friends, inspiration, love, without you having to push 💨💨

Please also know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with💚 Here's to creating happy homes! 💕

Have a wonderful week ahead! 😘😘

Sending you all so much love,


P.S. If you would love personal awareness to untangle any deep subconscious patterns and programs and grow your internal strength, please call our office angel, Jane at Step Up Your Life on: 07 5351 1970. Can be done in person, over the phone or via Skype. 🙏💟🎉😍