How often do you judge or berate yourself as a parent? 💫 Would you love to be more conscious, present and connected? 💕🙏 However, you find your conditioning takes over and before you know it you’re raising your voice, or insisting your child follow your rules? Practicing self love as a parent is so valuable. 🌈 It’s a space that requires so much presence on a daily basis - where you are asked to emotionally mature, grow up, be more present, consciously connect, give freedom and let go of attachments etc.

Before I had Ethan, I had ideals and dreams about how I would consciously parent. 👩‍👦 I loved reading Dr Shefali’s books, ‘The Awakened Family’ and ‘The Conscious Parent’. I particularly loved her message that ‘You are raising a spirit throbbing with its own signature’ and where children ‘discover, express their inner voice and practice the right to express their own spirit’. ⭐⚡ However, what I didn’t anticipate was how strongly conditioning, patterns and programs could take over! 💨 That’s where using the Women’s Wisdom® healing system to unlock subconscious programming has been invaluable! 💖(If you’d love to learn how to use the Women’s Wisdom® healing system, check out the workshop details below. ❤)

An example of this was a few weeks ago when our 6 year old son said excitedly, “Hey Mum, I would love to play footy more”. 🏈 His father loves rugby league and played competitively, so it shouldn’t have really come as a surprise. Yet I found myself stumbling over my words “Oh right… like you want to play rugby league for a club… rather than just backyard footy?” 🥴 My internal dialogue went something like this: Oh man the tackling can seem quite rough, the boys will be so much bigger, I hope he won’t get hurt, but I’ll wholeheartedly support him. Now don’t project your own fears onto him – you want him to totally trust what his heart is saying. 😍


Next thing, before I know it, I hear myself saying, “Have you thought about playing soccer? Like it could be … gentler”. 🤔 My internal dialogue went something like: Nooooooooooooooo what happened to not saying anything. 💥I’ve just projected my own fears/ insecurities onto him and made it about me!!

Understandably so, he begrudgingly said, “No Mum – I love footy!”

An Emotionally Happy Home tool® I use a lot is: ‘Is this who I want to be for ‘Ethan’ right now? It’s a great reminder to be present and consciously choose how you desire to show up for your loved ones. 💕 My conscious response was “Right let’s make it happen – I’ve got your back. Let’s get excited! Let’s explore the possibilities!” 🙌

How would you love to parent more consciously? Are there spaces where you can own your fears and give more freedom? 🌈🌱🌞

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,



‘Are you sure you want to come to this music concert with me tomorrow?’ my husband asks. 🎸🎼 'You know that you're free right? You don't have to come!’ he says speculatively. 💕

'I'm all good – I’m happy to join you (an image of my 20yr old self at a music concert letting lose, forms in my memory). I've got this' I murmur. 💪 At least I think I do - it is strange I don't feel a lot about it. But I'm sure I'll feel different when I'm there right?! 🤔 Right? (💥Warning signs💥)

Six hours later at the music concert – the ground is vibrating with the power of huge speakers🔊; my head is in agony with the volume of the noise! 📣 I'm calling on mother earth, the stars, the moon, the elements to balance out my vibration ⭐🌟🌛🪐🌏. How much longer must my sensitivity endure this?? How many more electric guitar solos are left? 😅😵🥴🤯What was I thinking – I know how sensitive my energy is!

Experience has the value! How many times have you put yourself in an environment that isn’t conducive to your natural way of being? 🌱🌹 The warning signs were there but you seduced or encouraged yourself to fit in. The contrast definitely helped me appreciate my peaceful, quiet and gentle life! ☮🌱☮

I apologised to my inner child for not giving to and valuing her sensitivity. 💃🌱🧚‍♂️ It offered me an opportunity to love and receive this part of me more than ever before and not take it for granted. 💕❤

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How about you? What environments do you thrive in? Is there something that you could fine tune in your home environment so that it feels how you desire it to? 🏡🌈🌞 What parts of yourself do you want to value more or consider before leaning into an unfamiliar environment? 💕Are you conscious of your body’s warning signs in different environments? ⚡💨💥

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,



The sun is shining. 🌞 It’s a blissful Sunday afternoon and we’re loving spending some family time together enjoying some beach cricket. 🏏Suddenly our very passionate 6 year old son who lives and breathes cricket is bowled out; the cricket bat has gone flying and a tantrum ensues! 💥 Do you: a) Check to see who is on the beach watching and cringe in embarrassment 🤣😅 b) Talk to your child about good sportsmanship c) Be curious about the big release of emotion – which is a lot of powerful, creative energy that can be channeled.💫

I don’t think there’s any ‘right’ answer – everyone is doing the best they can with their level of awareness and consciousness. ❤ But this is how we approach these spaces. Firstly, my husband morphed into his day job role – ‘Mr Reck, the Physical Education teacher’ so a discussion about good sportsmanship was inevitable! ☮⚡

From a spiritual perspective, I use the Emotionally Happy Homes® tool, ‘You see it in me because it’s in you’ which is an awesome tool, 🎈🙌 particularly when you see your child, partner, friend, colleague doing something that is really inspiring. However, it can become a little uncomfortable when, for example you see someone in a reactive behaviour that brings up emotion in you. 🌊🙏

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My husband and I leaned into being curious about where we could ‘throw our toys, the cricket bat around’ 🏏🚀 figuratively speaking because that’s what our son was mirroring back to us! Yep, we could see we experience frustration at times, particularly when we’ve surrendered to the path of our heart or our creativity and it’s not going according to ‘our’ plan. It can feel so easy to want to fight against ‘what is’ rather than trust the universe is always working for us.💚🪐🌎

Our discussion around the dinner table that night went something like this: ‘You know what - I think we can all throw our bats around at times, when we feel things, people, situations aren’t going to plan’. My husband and I owned when we do it. We then enjoyed talking about how we can all evolve it. 💫🙌 For example: taking deep breaths; sharing how you feel; remembering that the universe always has a bigger picture for us and surrendering to what is like a tree in a storm. ⭐🌈❄

When do you throw your toys around? 😅🚀 How can you surrender to the path of your heart, knowing all is well? 💜

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,



Do you feel like you spend most of your time supporting and nurturing others which can often result in you feeling depleted, worn out and impatient? 🤔😴Your heart yearns for more - more presence, more space, more energy, more nurturing or more creativity. 🌊🌱

The time is here - the divine feminine is awakening! ❤ We all have male and female energy in us so this is a universal transformation that is available to us all. According to Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, an Andean Shaman medicine man our sacred Feminine is awakening and our sacred Masculine needs healing. 💫🙌


From my experience exploring the dance between our male and female energy begins in ourselves. 💃🕺💃 Where can we forgive our own male energy? Does it dominate, control, shut down or push your female energy? Is our female energy free to flow? Does it feel it can create a more peaceful and gentler life? Does it have a lot of space for rest/rejuvenation, stillness? 🌱🙏

One of the most common programs I witness in myself and others with our female energy is investing most of our life force into supporting our partners, children, birth family or work colleagues. 💨💫We become people’s support systems - which feels inherently natural for women as we were created in the mirror image of mother earth - able to give life, support life and nurture life. 🌱🌳

A need that we have perceived wasn’t met in ourselves as a child, becomes what we may over give to others. If we have experienced turbulence 💨 and uncertainty, we may then control external circumstances; 💥 if we feel we weren’t parented well, we may find ourselves parenting our family. If we experienced a lot of pain, we may become over protective; if we didn’t experience a lot of love, we may become attached and hold on tightly. ⚡

However, once we reclaim in ourselves the ability to meet our own needs and trust that everyone is universally supported and held, it not only sets us free, but everyone else as well. 🙌💚 What then becomes available for our sacred Feminine is an opportunity to let go of: settling and survival, to break through our glass ceiling of what is possible with giving to ourselves and a worthiness to ask and receive a lot more in our homes, families and lives. 💜☮

An example of this from our own home is when a few weeks ago our six year old son started waking up in the middle of the night, calling out and needing us to fall back to sleep. 😴 After ten nights of this, we sat with Ethan and gently explained that this was starting to have an impact. Just like Mother Earth loves and requires time for rest and rejuvenation so do we through a good night’s sleep. 🌳🌹🌱

We offered some suggestions that could support him – we could do awareness on him, he could book in with Jules for an appt, see a chiropractor or we were open to any other suggestions he may have. He said that he felt he could heal this in himself and he hasn’t woken in the middle of the night since. 💖 In the past, I would’ve let situations go on like this for a long time and felt I just had to ‘put up’ with it. 💨

Where can the feminine be honoured more in your home? 😍💚What needs to be forgiven or healed in your own male energy? ☮⚡

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,



I remember as a teenager I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer – I desired to be extraordinary. 🙌 I trained every morning and afternoon, I met Olympic athletes and I read biographies about people who had overcome insurmountable challenges. 🎢🚀🗻

I lived in that space of discomfort, outside of my comfort zone, for a long time – 5am wake up calls, training twice a day, pushing my body to the limit, dealing with my nerves at competitions and swimming in the freezing water of the Kingaroy town pool (that had no heating for many years)! 🏊‍♀️

Although my life took a different direction, there has always been the inner longing for a dream life. My muscles were worked, stretched, strained every day…taking me one step closer to my heart’s desires. 💖💪

Now instead of the muscles – it is my emotions that receive a workout! 🙄😲😍 I put myself on the healing table every week for my awareness swap with Jules (creator of the awesome healing systems). 💖 Growth often means becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable emotions and/or conversations.

Can I ‘be’ with this discomfort/ emotional wobble knowing that it is creating more of what I desire? 💨Can I ask for help and be honest when I’m in emotional stress? 🙏 It comes in different forms for all of us in our homes (it could be rushing, yelling at your kids or husband, jealousy, addiction, controlling, health problems, insecurities, criticism, depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, blaming other people etc).

Owning it means you can change it – you can understand what patterns, programs or ancestral knots you’re in and discern what different choices can be made. 🙌 Turning around what may feel like habitual behaviour requires a lot of presence, choice and practice.


I have consciously created my dream life – what extraordinary looks like for me, could well be different to what extraordinary looks like for you. 💖I financially support myself, I have 2 days off a week to swim, go to the beach, read a book, I have rocking relationships with my husband and son, I’m in a career I love, I live where I’ve always dreamt of living – Sunshine Coast and my life is simple. 🌱🎈🙌There have been oceans of emotional wobbles to create that! 🌊⚡ I’m sure there’ll be plenty more as I continue on the path of growth. 🌱

However, if I’m not aware/conscious I can easily fall into a very strong conditioning/program/ancestral knot that I ‘should’ work hard, make ‘more’ money or do supply teaching on my days off. 💪💰 All of these choices take me back into survival, rather than my present life of thriving. I can survive or I can choose a life based on what my heart loves. 💕

What would you love to evolve in your home (which is an extension of your heart) that becomes love and life affirming? 💖

Please know that you are so welcome to email me back if you have any questions, feedback or if there is anything I can help you with. Here's to creating Emotionally Happy Homes® from the inside out. 🏡💜

Sending you all so much love,


P.S. If you would love personal awareness to create your version of an extraordinary life, please call our office angels, Jane or Suzy at Step Up Your Life, Coolum Beach on: 07 5351 1970. Can be done via Skype/phone or in person.